सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं


 Some important documents of Com.Niranjan Sen :

A Report on 7th All India Conference of IPTA held at Allahabad which will clear the manifesto of IPTA after division in the party and published in "UNITY" the only bi-monthly magazine published by IPTA whose Co-editor were Com.David Cohen & Com.Niranjan Sen:


(Seventh All- India I.P.T.A Conference) 

                                A report by Niranjan Sen, Gen.Secretary of IPTA

The Seventh All-India People’s Theatre Association Conference to be held shortly will be a historic one.

It will have new and unprecedented tasks before it and the possibility of rallying more lovers of the people and of culture around it and the possibility of rallying more lovers of the people and of culture around it than ever before in its over ten years history.

It will have to learn from the victories and reverses of its past in order to gather together the widest sections of the Indian people for peace and independence, for a people’s culture, for an end to hunger and nakedness.

The name of IPTA is already one which is known and loved by vast numbers of people in India, and which is feared and hated by the enemies of the people. In each State lakhs of men, women and children have been roused and inspired by its songs, dances and dramas, have sat all night through its performances, have themselves sung its music, and have applauded the great people’s artists within its fold.

Nevertheless, today more than ever before, much work remains to be done. Not more than a beginning has been made towards helping to shape them into the powerful voice of the millions of India.

The weather-bitten veterans of the people’s theatre movement recall with pride the early work of the movement, its part in the national struggle for freedom, its work during the grim days of the Bengal Famine of 1943, its championing of the friendship of Hindus and Muslims during the dark days of communal fratricide which preceded the partition of the country under the nefarious and daughters, who fell as martyrs under the savage repression of the hirelings of the people’s enemies.

If there is a lesson to be learnt from those days of struggle it is merely that the movement must not be restricted within the narrow walls of city theatres,must not be restricted within the lose contact with the broadcast sections of the people, must not water down its message of people’s struggle, must draw ever newer sections into the movement, and create new writers and artistes even though it may have with it the most brilliant people’s artists of the time.

The Seventh All-Inidia IPTA Conference must also draw its lesson from the period following the Allahabad Conference of 1947, when the scope of work was restricted, when scant attention was paid to raising the level of artistic production, when many undigested and often meaningless slogans passed in name of art, which were naturally incapable of inspiring the people and expressing their deepest dreams and their grandest desires.

Much work has been done since those days, in rebuilding the unity of the people’s theatre movement, in raising the artistic level of productions, in taking the message of people’s culture out to wide sections of the people, in creating an art that is national in form and borrows richly from the immense heritage of folk forms that we have in our country, and which really touches the hearts of the Indian people.

But today much,much more is to be done.The people’s theatre movement must strive to unite all those groups near or far fcrom it who have the same sincere aim in view.

It must strive to bring about that unity between the writers and the artists that has been laking in the world of Indian culture for the last fifteen years.It must harness the genius and talent of the best progressive writers to write for the theatre,to write poems that can be written to be read aloud rather than in soltitude,poems that can be written to music,plays that can move lakhs,stories that can thrill millions.The Progressive Writers Association and the Indian People’s Theatre Association will, it is understood, be holding their Conferences at the same time and it is hoped that the two will work much more closely together, helping each other to grow.

The Conference must take measures for the further broadening of the people’s theatre movement, must take it into the villages and factories and use the well-loved forms of the people, and must draw ever newer sections of people around it ,must not become allow undigested things, things which do not touch the heart to pass as art.

The people’s theatre movement will grow strong when it brings folk artists and writers on the one hand and artists and writers from the factories on the other into the movement.

It must tell the Indian people of the new world with its new culture being built in the Soviet Union, People’s China, and the New Democracies of Eastern Europe. It must tell them of the plans of those war makers who seek to destroy this new world and its happiness and are lighting the flames of war in Asia. It must tell them of the strength of this world, of the gigantic and historic movement in Asia and the world, participated in by the finest men and women in every country which demands freedom for all people to breathe their own air, and live under their own sun. And in doing these things the members of IPTA will remember that our own organization was born out of the Anti-fascist struggle, and grew out of the Anti-Fascist Writers and Artists Association in 1943.

It must bind together firmly in friendship the brother people of India and Pakistan, frustrating all attempts to set them one against the other.

It must demand an end to hunger and nakedness and must sing the tremendous potentialities of our rich land and its people, so that they can develop to their full height, so that our country too can become a land of songs and dances, so that each language and national culture can flower in all its richness.

The power of the people’s artists of India is immense, and great the weapons they wield in the cause of happiness,in the cause of international brotherhood and peace,and in defence of the people of their country.

Let the Seventh All-India Conference unite into a mighty assembly all the lovers of culture,of peace,of freedom and of justice.

Let the voice of the people of India ring out into its grandest songs.

Source: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid027WRA11RudbVhLteFwNaSAnFGE1zSoZkd7CkbLxfbkAsEtzwWoUhJEm1hKa8RbLZMl&id=100007587974678


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

यह मत देखो की कौन बोल रहा है

इप्टा की पटना सिटी यूनिट का सालाना कांफ्रेंस सन्डे को ख़तम हुआ। सन्डे की सुबह को डेलिगेट सेशन था और सेशन में इप्टा के संरक्षक प्रो. विनय कुमार कंठ और इस्लाम के एक धरम गुरु सय्यद शाह शमीम मोनामी आमंत्रित थे। कंठ साहेब ने इप्टा आन्दोलन को आगे बढ़ने के लिए एक सूत्री एजेंडा पेश किया और कहा की युवायों को आगे आना होगा। इप्टा के किसी जलसे में पहली बार एक धर्म गुरु आमंत्री था। यह न सिर्फ़ इप्टा के मेम्बेरानो बल्कि आस पास के लोंगो के लिए भी आश्चर्य के मुद्दा था। सवाल सिर्फ़ एक के इप्टा के मंच से एक धर्म गुरु क्या बात करेगा? क्या समूच इप्टा अपनी राह भटक चुकी है जो एक मुल्ला को सालाना जलसे में बुला लिया। जिअसे ही धर्म गुरु ने ने माइक संभाला खुसर-फुसर शुरू होने लगी। पर मौलाना बड़े चतुर थे। आते ही बिस्मिल्लग-ऐ-रहमान, रहीम के उद्घोष से अपनी बात शुरू की और कुरान की एक आयत को दुहराया। मनो इप्टा के मेम्बेरानो की घिघी ही बाँध गई हो। खैर मौलाना ने जब आगे बात शुरू की को तेज़ चलती सांसे थम सी गई और नया जोश मिलने लगा। मौलाना ने कहा के यह महत्वपूर्ण नही की कौन बोल रहा है बलके यह महत्वपूर्ण है वोह क्या बोल ...

राजनेता, राजनीति और समाज सुधार

कल यानि 2 अक्टूबर 2017 को बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार बाल विवाह और दहेज़ के ख़िलाफ़ राज्यव्यापी अभियान की शुरुआत कर रहे हैं. कम से कम मेरी जानकारी में यह पहला राजनीतिक प्रयास है जब कोई सत्ता के शीर्ष पर बैठा कोई व्यक्ति बिना किसी योजना, कार्यक्रम के सामाजिक बदलाव के अभियान की शुरूआत कर रहा है. पिछले 10-12 वर्षों में बिहार में मुख्यमंत्री पद बैठे नीतीश कुमार के इस कदम के क्या मायने हैं इसे नजदीक से देखने और समझने की ज़रूरत है। 'बाल विवाह' और 'दहेज़' विरोधी अभियान के तहत बिहार सरकार के विभाग क्या कर रहे हैं।  नोडल विभाग समाज कल्याण विभाग महिला विकास निगम से नुक्कड़ नाटक करवा रहा है. पोस्टर, होर्डिंग्स, बैनर छपवा रहा है और यह सुनिश्चित करवा रहा है कि आम-ख़ास जगहों पर लगे. शिक्षा विभाग गाँधी जयंती के दिन स्कूल खुलवा कर बच्चों को शपथ दिलवा रहा है कि 18 से कम उम्र की लड़की और 21 से कम उम्र के लड़के की शादी बाल विवाह है और क़ानूनी रूप से अपराध है. दहेज़ ना लेना है, दहेज़ ना देना है और ना दहेज़ के लिए किसी को प्रोत्साहित करना है. मुख्यमन्त्री महोदय सार्वजनिक रूप से अपील ...